
Experts in Software Development,
Digital Transformation and Big Data, through building

user-friendly products!exceptional applications!amazing services!on innovative ideas!

Get proven software engineering and consulting services. We partner with companies like yours to create custom solutions that drive business.

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We are trusted by strong brands


At Determinas, we offer an end-to-end product and engineering team that will turn your ideas into clear, and focused user-centred products.


Take a deep dive into some of  the projects that we are most proud of.

ADFI Data Portal

A comprehensive data portal designed & developed for the Africa Digital Financial Inclusion Facility (ADFI), to track all its pillars and financial inclusion initiatives across the African continent.

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Africa development bank’s data portal.

GAIA Africa

An application (web and mobile) for a female-only membership club based in Nigeria and the USA.

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African women club mobile & web app.


A SaaS application (mobile and web) with distributed cloud data warehousing for powering analytics, membership management, automated workflow, and automated forms service.

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Software as a service (SAAS) application.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) Implementation

A web app with an NLP system to detect and transcribe named entities from spoken words. Built for an FMCG Supply Chain BPO Firm.

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A web app with an NLP system to detect and transcribe named entities from spoken words.

Data Analysis on Farmer’s Corporative

Exploratory data analysis and visualization on a farmers’ corporative with report that provides insight into the crops, hectarage, and fertilizers distributed by the Edo state government to farmers according to local government areas and districts.

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Exploratory data analysis and visualization.

Malawi Flood Visualization & Report

A comprehensive analysis, visualization and reporting of available historical data to assess the social and economic impacts of the 2015 flood disaster.

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Data analysis, visualization & storytelling.

Text Extraction

A highly-responsive mobile application that leverage Artificial Intelligence for text transcription from images, audios and videos.

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Mobile-responsive web app for text extraction.

Broiler Production Market Research

Market research for Lubrigold Farms, providing meaningful insights on the challenges, supply chain and how to grow in the livestock sub-sector.

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Market research, digital transformation.


What our clients are saying


The dedication had us hooked, constant Communication, status reports, graphics, writing, and outstanding presentation to our team. Their expertise in Data mining and predictive analytics helped us find Value in our data. They are a fantastic team, and we would not hesitate to hire their services again.

Frank Eluaka


Working with the Determinas Data Science fellows is an initiative that has helped us to address specific business needs with cutting-edge techniques. They demonstrated transparency and complete dedication to work, and we look forward to more future collaborations with the information and Data Analytics Foundation.

Unwana E. Ekanem

Terragon Group


Fellows in the Determinas Data Science Fellowship were able to use available data to generate useful data for the WAVES team, which will guide future decisions in the organization. We are indeed satisfied as we hope to explore more partnership opportunities the future.

Osarume Akenzua

Wave Academy

The stack for building our amazing products

In everything we do, Determinas strives for operational excellence and exceptional performance. We believe in speed and accurate insight - that using intelligence, expertise, and science to improve businesses that can help create a better and more prosperous society for everyone.

Our products are built with these technologies

Our core values

We encourage and emancipate our workforce. Commitment follows enthusiasm. Accountability follows commitment.



Our team of efficient, diligent and rigorous personnels can help unlock the power of different technologies and leverage it to drive more efficient & profitable services



At Determinas, we introduce new ideas, methods, or products through inspired, creative, bold and curious individuals



We possess the capacity to be aware and understand emotions that are being experienced by our customers, and to show hospitality with our services.



It is our adherence to a moral or ethical code that ensures we have strong work principles here at Determinas. Thus, makes us more transparent and authentic.

What do you want to build?

We give more than just the best-qualified people; we also provide a comprehensive set of best-practice methods, tools, and templates to assist our systems analysts in producing results more quickly.

Contact us today