
Broiler Production Market Research

Market research for Lubrigold Farms, providing meaningful insights on the challenges, supply chain and how to grow in the livestock sub-sector.

About Client

Lubrigold Farms Limited was established in 2012 to help bridge the gap between the nutritional needs of the populace and the supply of high-quality yield from livestock particularly eggs and poultry meat.

Client Goals

The hypothesis was that the broiler value chain has a higher Return on Investment (ROI) compared to layers, but it was unclear if there was demand for it in the client’s target location i.e Food chains/restaurants, hotels, supermarkets, cold-room outlets and households around Lekki and its environs. They needed us to carry out market research to test this concept and assess the market opportunity.

Business Challenge

The client wants to know if there is substantial demand for broilers in their target location and to assess whether it is profitable to invest in this new sub-sector.


We analysed the client’s historical data on sales & marketing. Quantitative and qualitative data was gathered using research papers, surveys and questionnaires. We also visited cold rooms and restaurants to gather responses on the how they source for their poultry meat. The responses were analyzed using appropriate statistical methods to draw conclusions and give recommendations to the client.

Client received a detailed report which gave meaningful insights to the client on the challenges, supply chain and how to grow in the livestock new sub-sector. We determined that the best go to market strategy was through off-take agreements with frozen food companies and food chains (Restaurants) amongst other marketing strategies.

Value Delivered

With the help of this market research, Lubrigold Farms was able to transition into broiler production fully informed on what to expect in the market, the available demand in their target location, understand their target market and identify channels through which they can advertise their new product line efficiently and affordably. Our Research team also implemented channels for the client to continuously get feedback from both new and existing customers.

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